The Link Between Corporate Strategies and Human Resource Management

The Link Between Corporate Strategies and Human Resource Management


& &McMahan (1987) (1989) (1991) (1992) (1996) (1998) (2002) (2004) (2006) (2007) (2009) (2011) (2011), (2012) (Azmi, (Bamberger (Bratton (HRM), (Nankervis (SHRM) (Truss (Wright 1992). 1994; 2000 2000) 2003). 2011). 2012). 2019), 2019). A According Accordingly, Although As Azmi Bennett Between Boxall Bratton Butler Chow Consequently, Contemporarily, Corporate Cycle Diversity Due Fisher Furthermore, Gold Gold(2012), Gold, Gratton HR HRM HRM, HRM. 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The Link Between Corporate Strategies and Human Resource Management

This essay aims to demonstrate the relationship between corporate strategies and human resource management (HRM), which it will first interpret the definitions of those two terms and then describe their relationships. The relationship between these two theoretical terms will be that, HRM is an essential influential factor that determines the success of a corporate strategy. Thus, to ensure this success, the organisation needs to manage HRM strategically, which would evoke the implementation of strategic human resource management (SHRM) as it integrates strategies and HRM (Azmi, 2019).