Physical Factors Affecting Community Health

Physical Factors Affecting Community Health

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Physical Factors Affecting Community Health

Community health refers to the health status of a defined group of people and the activities meant to get better the healthiness of the society. Several factors affect the health of a community; hence making the health status of every community different. Physical factors, to a larger extent, determine whether a community is healthy or not, as explained below.

·       Population Size

 A larger community is exposed to the risk of a broad range of health problems. As a matter of fact, a larger community also has a greater number of health resources. The resources are required due to the high rate of infections resulting from communicable diseases. Moreover, environmental problems are numerous in densely populated areas, thus the need to have more health resources. The enormous size of a population can have both positive and adverse effects hence the need to organize and utilize the resources for the community’s good advantage (Paul, 1997).

·       Physical Environment