Individual HR Topic Write-up

Individual HR Topic Write-up

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Individual HR Topic Write-up

            I initially chose this topic, because it appeared to be very interesting to me, along with the fact that firm performance is very essential in any given work environment. I feel that learning how both technical and strategical forms of human resource management can benefit me in the long run. This specific article appeared to be highly credible, therefore worthy of analyzation. These topics are increasingly important for one to become familiarized with. Understanding how these tactics can be utilized can significantly increase the success of a firm. It is important to be up-to-date on such topics, because it allows for a smoother running business. Personally, I have gained a lot of valid information through the reading of these articles. Technical and strategical HR management yields to high performance in the given firm. Each business should employ similar attitudes and mechanisms in their practices.

I couldn’t agree more with the topics presented in such articles. I feel that the authors worked diligently to provide audiences with information that is well-organized and easy to understand. Not only were facts concluded from previous information done on such topics, but