Human Resource Management model
Human Resource Management model
Human Resource Management model
The training needs identified were internally evaluated by the holders of the key positions of the company, that is the CEO, CFO and the CRO. It is paramount for the company to use external services from the experts to improve the training of the senior individuals in the firm. As a result, the biases that are likely to materialize as a result of the need to achieve the self-interests over those of the firm could be addressed.
The proposed model would, as a result, support the outsourcing of the experts to formulate the training needs when with liaison with the affected individuals to improve the performance. According to the goal-setting theory, the reward systems of the firm should ensure that the effort of the employees is equally compensated and recognized to boost their motivation at work. The setting objectives should also ensure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). The model hence proposes the use of smart goals to motivate the holders of the key positions to work