How the Human Resource Department of a Company Deals With Issues Regarding Employees
How the Human Resource Department of a Company Deals With Issues Regarding Employees
How the Human Resource Department of a Company Deals With Issues Regarding Employees
Human resource department in any company deals with issue relating to employees. It deals with, payments, recruitment, retrenchment, training, and employees’ welfare. This department, however, faces some constraints in its operations which determine how it will conduct its activities. It faces both external and internal forces that determine its operation. Some of these factors are as discussed below as seen to affect Starbucks human resources department.
Starting with external factors, the political environment surrounding a company will have a lot of influence as to how the human resources department will conduct its activities. Politicians can set conditions as to how employees are to be treated so that they can gain votes from the employees. In another context, if the political status of a country is not stable, thenthe department will opt to take workers on contract terms. This will help reduce inconveniences if their workers are affected by the political instability.
There are also set laws and regulations which must be followed in rega