QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE APPROACH OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION[ge1]  Business administration is operating its business in severe competition where knowing of customers needs and wants is very import

QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE APPROACH OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION[ge1]  Business administration is operating its business in severe competition where knowing of customers needs and wants is very import

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Business administration is operating its business in severe competition where knowing of customers needs and wants is very important to create competitive advantages. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches are two important ways to collect the information about the customers. Not only business administration but also other sectors like sociology, psychology, anthropology, nursing, engineering, etc are using these two methods of collecting data related to the underlying problem. These two methods help organization to draw conclusion about a predetermined hypothesis or problem statement which can be related to the any field of the business administration. Business needs to develop every field of its organization so that it can create a loyal customer base by satisfying the needs and wants of the customers. For this it needs to execute different approaches to learn about the peculiar and changing behavior of customers. Primary data collection is very important for solving any problem of business discipline, and qualitative and quantitative research approaches are ways of collection these primary data related to the determined hypothesis. The study of the report is about to figure out whether qualitative and quantitative research in the business administration working well or not. The judgment of the utility value of these two approaches in the discipline of business administration are also needs to figure out.

