PROVIDING QUALITY HEALTHCAREThe Client enters the health care delivery service with needs, concerns and expectations, requiring various interventions. Identifying and providing appropriate 5364 WORDS

PROVIDING QUALITY HEALTHCAREThe Client enters the health care delivery service with needs, concerns and expectations, requiring various interventions. Identifying and providing appropriate 5364 WORDS

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The Client enters the health care delivery service with needs, concerns and expectations, requiring various interventions. Identifying and providing appropriate care to meet these needs in a cost effective way without compromising the standard of care is one of the challenges facing health providers today.


Other challenges facing them include consumer’s demands, professional demand for excellence, high cost of healthcare and demographic shifts. In order to provide quality care that meets the client’s need and increase his satisfaction the client’s views must be respected and his preferences taken into consideration. Studies to identify clients’ preferences have shown that providing physical comfort adequate and timely information, coordinated and integrated care, emotional support, respect for clients’ values and rights are powerful predictors of client satisfaction (Gerteis, 1993; Potter and Perry, 2001).


Other studies also showed that irrespective of cultural background and beliefs, providers’ behavioural attributes such as showing respect, politeness, provision of privacy and reduction in clients’ waiting time influence clients’ satisfaction with care (Population Report, 1998).


Clients satisfied with the care they received have been found to pay compliments, comply with