PROTECTIVE DISCRIMINATIONDISCRIMINATION, RACE, RACISM are owned by some religious organizations and universities; this has implications for the client care. He therefore has a right to be informPART 2

PROTECTIVE DISCRIMINATIONDISCRIMINATION, RACE, RACISM are owned by some religious organizations and universities; this has implications for the client care. He therefore has a right to be informPART 2

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are owned by some religious organizations and universities; this has implications for the client care. He therefore has a right to be informed about it.


The patient has the right to be advised if the hospital proposes to engage in, or perform human experimentation affecting his care or treatment. He has the right to refuse to participate in such research projects. Most clinical trials take place without the clients’ knowledge, or even when explained the language may be too technical for the client to understand.


After explicit explanation, a client should be asked to sign a separate consent in addition to his consent for care if an experimental therapy is proposed to him. He can also withdraw at will without any reprisals. The patient has a right to refuse permission to any one to touch his body. His basic responsibility is to himself and not to the advancement of science or learning.


A patient has a right to expect reasonable continuity of care. Healthcare must to continuous and of the same quality. A change in shift should not result in negligence.


The patient has a right to examine and receive an explanation of his bill, regardless of the source of payment. In places where bills are paid by third parties and insurance, it is easy to assume that clients should not care about charges. The client has a right to receive explanations and demand for rational charges.