CHALLENGES FACING MARKETERS IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES3658 WORDS ‘Intangibility’ is only one of the particular difficulties that healthcare marketers need to conquer, and undoubtedly healthcare marketing
CHALLENGES FACING MARKETERS IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES3658 WORDS ‘Intangibility’ is only one of the particular difficulties that healthcare marketers need to conquer, and undoubtedly healthcare marketing
3658 WORDS
‘Intangibility’ is only one of the particular difficulties that healthcare marketers need to conquer, and undoubtedly healthcare marketing is one of the most challenging of all the types of non profit marketing. Healthcare products are almost certainly the most intangible of the entire the services, and consumer has no actual way of being capable to measure the competence of a healthcare provider either before or after the services completed. Healthcare providers merely put their reliance in the skills of the healthcare profession and customers obtain the whole thing on faith, and customer can construct opinion about the quality of the healthcare products as well, which based on a complete series of surrogates, including their physical surrounding and besides manner of their healthcare providers.
France and Grover (1992) list a number of other factors which serve to complicate the healthcare marketing task:
Mismatch between customer expectations and actual delivery: the exacting risk for healthcare providers is, all service meets offer a huge number of opportunities to fall short of customers expectation, and all individual characteristics of customers; different demographic characteristics, different levels of physical characteristics and recuperative power, are quiet beyond the control of the healthcare provider that will make impact substantially on the outcomes, and correspondin