HMOs Take The Care' Out Of Health Care In the early 1990s insurance companies, in attempt to control spiraling medical costs, created what would be termed "health maintenance organizations", also know
HMOs Take The Care' Out Of Health Care In the early 1990s insurance companies, in attempt to control spiraling medical costs, created what would be termed "health maintenance organizations", also know
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HMOs Take The Care' Out Of Health Care.
In the early 1990s insurance companies, in attempt to control spiraling medical costs, created what would be termed "health maintenance organizations", also known as HMOs. What HMOs do is create a team of physicians and medical personnel that the patients agrees to use. Within the contracts both the patient and the doctor sign, limits and restrictions are put on what the hospital will reimburse and what they will or will not provide in order to keep the costs down. At the beginning, these organizations were