THE KINGDOM OF GOD 1949 WORDS The Kingdom of God is a hidden, but important theme in the New Testament of the Bible. It isn’t a place, but rather a state of being. Jesus spends most of his life l

THE KINGDOM OF GOD 1949 WORDS The Kingdom of God is a hidden, but important theme in the New Testament of the Bible. It isn’t a place, but rather a state of being. Jesus spends most of his life l



1949 WORDS

The Kingdom of God is a hidden, but important theme in the New Testament of the Bible. It isn’t a place, but rather a state of being. Jesus spends most of his life living as an example of the Kingdom of God. Through Jesus’ teachings, people begin to understand

what it truly means to live in the Kingdom. This theme is mainly introduced in the gospel of Mark and progresses further in depth throughout the New Testament. The meaning of the Kingdom of God is found in the words of Jesus Christ. He provides an insight to the Kingdom and how to be a part of it.

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