The report about the radicalization in the West The report about the radicalization in the West becoming a homegrown threat attempts to help law makers and law enforcement agencies in the capital city

The report about the radicalization in the West The report about the radicalization in the West becoming a homegrown threat attempts to help law makers and law enforcement agencies in the capital city

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The report about the radicalization in the West becoming a homegrown threat attempts to help law makers and law enforcement agencies in the capital city and the entire America by providing a systematic indulgent of the type of threat that the United States of America faces domestically. The report also seeks to bring a solution to the uncertainty on intelligence that law enforcement agencies can counter the emerging threat of terrorism and radicalization in America. In an attempt to solve the existing debate about terrorism, the report suggests how best to counter the threat and an understanding of the radicalization process (Silber, & Bhatt, 2020).

With findings that are similar to other reports, the report by the homeland security department identifies various steps of the radicalization process to be practices before radicalization, identification of oneself, indoctrination, and jihadization. The report notes that terrorist plots involve people who have not been identified in the West. In the method of research, the report examines three cases of homegrown terrorist operations in America including the group that had been arrested in 2020 for providing support to Al Qaeda. Various Muslim groups are examined in the report, with an identification of the most recent cases in New York as the plot to bomb the Herald square subway station (Silber, & Bhatt, 2020).

The report written by senior intelligence analysts concludes that most of the Muslims in Europe are not well integrated into mainstream society as the American Muslims. According to the findings of the report, American Muslims are more resistant while they are not immune to the radicalization process. Add