THE INTRODUCTION OF GEOGRAPHY TODAY  “Today Geography is an extremely diverse discipline covering several areas of study and involving researches with different backgrounds from all over the wor 3800w

THE INTRODUCTION OF GEOGRAPHY TODAY  “Today Geography is an extremely diverse discipline covering several areas of study and involving researches with different backgrounds from all over the wor 3800w

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1. Introduction

“Today Geography is an extremely diverse discipline covering several areas of study and involving researches with different backgrounds from all over the world (Algona & Marsh, 2003)”. Thus Geography is a discipline that has evolved through time. Since the beginning of this discipline, it was regarded as a study for mapping features, however the definition later expanded. Geography is again, a multidisciplinary subject that is divided into a number of sub-fields. According to Hughes (1863), “Traditionally, Geography as well as geographers has been viewed as the same as cartography and people who study place names. As space and place affect a variety of topics such as economics, health, climate, plants and animals, Geography is highly interdisciplinary”.

“While Geography has followed almost all 19th and 20th Century social and biophysical sciences along the reductionist route, we have, in my view, tried to keep an eye on the “big picture” better than most.