MY GEOGRAPHY STUDY GUIDE LATITUDE, MAP PROJECTION, EARTH VOCABULARY: •Geography: Geography is the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on earth. oPhysical fe 800W

MY GEOGRAPHY STUDY GUIDE LATITUDE, MAP PROJECTION, EARTH VOCABULARY: •Geography: Geography is the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on earth. oPhysical fe 800W

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•Geography: Geography is the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on earth. oPhysical features are like bodies of water, landforms, climate, and natural fertility of soil. Human features are man made things, anything constructed by humans. •Physical characteristics: Include the description of the natural landforms of a place such as mountains, rivers, beaches, landscape, animals, and plant life. •Human (cultural) characteristics: Include the human designed cultural features of a place, from land use and architecture to forms of livelihood and religion to food and folk ways to transportation and communication networks. •Geographic Inquiry: The study of questions that relate to people interacting with earth, which are asked by geographers. •Latitude: Latitude lines are imaginary lines on the earth's surface that run east and west around the globe and tell you your distance north or south of the Equator. •Longitude: Longitude lines are imaginary lines on the earth's surface that run from pole to pole around the globe and tell you your distance east or west from the Prime Meridian. •Compass Rose: A symbol on a map used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions. •Cardinal directions: The directions of North, East, West, and South. •Orientation: Positioning, placement, location….