GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL  This essay will show an understanding of the subjects geography and history and the links between them. It will then look at the implications of these l  2600W

GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL  This essay will show an understanding of the subjects geography and history and the links between them. It will then look at the implications of these l  2600W

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This essay will show an understanding of the subjects geography and history and the links between them. It will then look at the implications of these links for both the teacher and school curriculum. My own examples from school and other’s experiences will be used throughout the essay to highlight the links and implications discussed.

Turner-Bisset (2005) explains that history is a reconstruction of the past using evidence. She argues that evidence enables individuals to prove things, but if there is no evidence then individuals can hypothesise and use other’s understanding to form interpretations. Fines and Nichol (1997) define history as a process and teachers need to create activities whereby children can act as historians exploring both primary and secondary sources. Like with all National Curriculum (1999) subjects, history in key stages one and two is broken down into knowledge, skills and understanding. The Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1999) highlight that history is an important subject because it allows children to consider how the past affects the present world in which they live. Moreover, it enables children to look at how societies in the past were organised and what they were like. They argue through studying the past children begin to develop an awareness of chronology, diversity and how their actions can potentially affect others.