AN EDUCATED PERSON IS LIKE A PIECE OF ARTWORK We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique 1900w
AN EDUCATED PERSON IS LIKE A PIECE OF ARTWORK We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique 1900w
We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique has their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has their own different interpretations of what an educated person is. One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not need money, as well as in order to be an educated person, you do not need a college diploma.
What you are willing to give up in order to become your best person depends on how much you truly want to accomplish that goal. Not everyone knows right away what they have a passion for. One has to explore new activities and only then will they be able to decide for themselves. Everyone expresses their opinion, and in my thought an educated person is the willing to put in time like Gladwell explains, claims their learning rights like Rich exercises, applies critical thinking and reasoning to work towards a success like Wagner emphasizes and lastly does not fall victim to adversity like my father