(12-month) (BEA) (E-Prescribing): (EHR): (FIFO) (GDP): (HIT): (PV) (also (and, (annualized) (defined (even (from (i.e., (inflow) (loss) (net (or (outflow) (staffed) (thus (thus, (volume) (“goods”) 20% 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 80% 80/20 A Accounting Accounting: Accounts: Accrual Acronym Act. Actual Adjusted: After All Allows Also Amount: An Analysis Analysis: Annualize: Any Assets: Balance Balance/Net Balance: Basis Benchmarking: Best Bonds Bonds: Book Break-Even Budget: Bureau Business CPT) Called Capital Capital: Care: Case Cash Center: Centers: Chart Chart: Claims Code Common Computed Considered Contribution Controllable Controlling: Cost Cost-Profit-Volume: Cost: Costs Costs: Coverage Cumulative Current Days Debentures Debentures: Debt Deciding Decision Deflation: Depreciation Depreciation: Diagnoses: Direct Discounted Dispenser: Documents Domestic EBIT, Economic Either Electronic Eligible Equates Equity. Equity: Equivalent: Estimates: Examples Expenditure Expense: Expenses Expenses: Expired FIFO: FINANCIAL FTE). Fee-for-Service: Financial First-In, First-Out Fixed Flexible Flow Flow: Flows: Food For For-Profit Forecasts Forecasts: Full-Time Fund GDP. GLOSSARY Gathers General Generally Glossary Gross Hand Health Horizontal Identifying In Includes Income Income: Indicates Indirect Inflation: Information Internal Inventory Inventory: Is It Joint Journals: LIFO LIFO: LOCATED Laboratory Last-In, Lease: Ledger: Liabilities Liabilities: Life: Liquidity Loan Long-term Makes Making Making: Managed Management Managerial Maps Margin: Means Measures Measures: Medicaid Medicare Method: Mix Mix: Mixed Monetary Money: Mortgage Municipal Net Noncontrollable Nonproductive Nonprofit Not-for-Profit OF ON Object: Occupancy: One Operating Operations Organization Organization. Organization: Organizing: Original Outside Overhead: PAGE PBM, Paid-for Pareto Patient Payback Payer Performance Period Period: Plan: Planning: Point: Preferred Prescriber: Prescribing Present Procedural Procedures: Produces Product Productive Professional: Profit Profit-Oriented Profit-Volume Profitability Program: Proprietary Provide Quartiles: Quick Rate Ratio. Ratio: Ratios Ratios: Receivables Record Records Records: Refers Rent Reporting Reports Reports: Represents Responsibility Return Return. Return: Revenue Revenue: Revenues SWOT Salvage Security See Semifixed Semivariable Service Services Sheet: Situational Sizing: Social Solvency Sources: Space Specifically Staffing: Statement Statement: States States. Static Stock Stock: Stocks Structure: Subject Subsidiary Such Supplies: Support System: TERMS Target Technology Terminology The These They This Those Three-Variance Time Time: Title To Total Transmitting Trend Trial Turnover: Two-Variance Type: Unadjusted Unexpired Unit: United Useful Users: Value Value: Variable Variance Vertical Voluntary Warrants Warrants: What Within Worth Worth: XIX XVIII a ability ability. accomplish accomplished according account accounted accounting. accounts accrual accumulated achieved acid-test acquired. acronym, activities activity actual actually acuity added additional adjusted adjusted, adjusted; adjustments after against aged agreed-upon agreement all allocates, allow allows also alternatives. among amortization amount amounts amounts. an analysis analysis. analytical analyzes analyzing and and, and/or annual answer any approved are area as assesses, assessing asset asset. assets assets. asset’s assign assigned assigning assistance associated assumptions. at attributable available backed backed, balance based basic basis basis. be because been before behalf benefit benefits. best between book books both break-even broad budget budgeted business business. business; businesses, but by by, called can cannot capacity capital capture care care, care. carry case cash categories caused causes. center. central certain change change, change. change; changes choices circles. classes classes, clinical close codes codes, codes. coding coding. combination coming common communication company, company. comparable compare compares comparing complement computation. concept concept, consideration considered contain containing contains context context, continuing continuous contract contracted contraction contributes contribution control control. convert converting coordination cost cost, cost. costing costs costs) costs. course covered credit criteria criteria. currency, current data date. days deals debt debt-paying debt. debt–equity decision decisions, decline defined deliver delivered. delivery demographic dentist, department department, depreciation, derived description. descriptive designation designed desired. determine determine, determines device, device. devices. diagnosisrelated diagnostic dietary. difference differences. different dijoka direct directly disabled) discount discounts dispenser, distribution divided dividend dividends. dividing division, do document does doing dollar dollar. down drug drugs due during duty duty—that e-prescribing each earn. earned earned, earning earnings effect effective effectively either electronic element elements eligible emphasizes employee employees. employee’s employing end enter enters entirely entities entitlement entity entry, environment equal equals equity equity, equity. equivalent equivalents equivalent” established established. estimate estimated estimates event event’s evidence example example, examples excess exchange exempt existence expected expended expense expense. expenses expenses. expiration express expressed external facility. families. fast federal figure figures fill finalized, finance financial financial, financing. first fixed flexed flexible flow flow. flows following for for, forecast formal format. found four from full functions funding future future. general generally goods grouping groups. hand. hardware, has have he health health-related healthcare held her his holidays horizontal hours how human identifies identifying illustrates illustrating in incentives included includes including income income) income. increase incurred incurred) incurred, incurred. indicates indicating indicator indirect individual individual. individuals industry. inflow inflows information information, information. inside inside, instances, instrument insurance insurance, integrate integrated intellectual intended interest interest, intermediary, intermediate, internal internal, into inventory invested invested. investment investment) investors. is is, issues issues. issuing it items its itself, job joint judgment jurisdiction known labor last, latest, laundry lease lease. ledger ledger. legal length less level level. levels liabilities liabilities. liabilities; liability licensed, licenses, life life. lines liquidity list load. loan. located located, long long-term loss maintain major make making manager managerial managers. manager’s manner manufacturing many margin matched matching maximum may meal means measure measure. measurement measurement. measures measuring media, medical meet method method, method. mix money money. monitor, more most mostly move moved much multipurpose must necessary needs needy neither net network network. never no non-financial, noncash nonproductive nonprofit nonprofit) nor normal not not-for-profit number numeric objectives objectives. obligations obligations. obtain occupying occur, occurred occurs. of office often on one operate operating operation operations operations, operations. opportunities opposite or or, order organization organization-wide organization. organizations. organization’s originally originated other otherwise out out. outflow outflows output outside outside, over over.” overall owes, owes. own owner owners owns, owns. packaged paid paid. paper, part particular patient patient, patient. patients. pay payer payers payers. payers; paying payment payroll pays percentage percentage, percentages perform performance performance. performed performed, performed. performing period period). period, period. periods. permitted person phrase physician physician, physicians, place placed plan, plan. planning plans plus point point, portion position positions. possible power practice, practices practices, practitioners, precision. preference preparation prepared prescriber, prescription prescription-related prescriptions present presumably, price price) prices prices. principal principle principle, prior private problems procedure procedure. procedures process produce produced producing. product production)—thus products products, professional profile profit profit, profit-oriented) profitability profitoriented profits. program program. projection, projects. project’s property property, property. proportion proportion. proportionate proportions. proposed proprietary proprietary) provide provider providers. provides providing provision purchase purchase. purposes put quality quantified quantify quantities. quantity) quarter quarterly quartile. query quick radiology range range. rate rather ratio ratio). ratio. ratios real realized receivables receivables. received received. recognizes reconciling record recorded records reduces refers reflect registered, relate related relationship. relative releasing remaining rendering reported, reporting reporting. reports represent represented represents required reside. residual resource resources responsibility responsible result result. resulting results results. return revenue revenue. revenue/volume revenues revenues. reviews, rise rises rule. salary sale same scheduled scrap secured, semivariable separate series service service. services services, services. sets several severe share shares she sheet short, short-term should show shows side single situational sizing. so. software, sold sold, sole solutions. solvency solvent.” some sometimes space speaking, specific specifically spending spent spread. spreads, staff standard state stated statement statements statements, statements. states status stay steps stock strengths strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-and-threats; structure” subject subsidiary subtracted such sufficiency. supervisor’s supplies support support, sure system, system. takes taking target, tax. taxable taxes, taxes. technologies term terms terms. test tests than that the them therapists therefore these they third-party, this threats. three through thus thus, time time. titles to to, today tool total transaction transactions transferred, transmission treated trend type types types. typical typically unchanging. undepreciated under understanding uniform unit unit, unit. units universally unrestricted unsecured. unsophisticated until up upgrades, use use, use. used useful using usually utilization vacation value value) value, variable variance variance. varies vary versa) versus vertical vice viding volume volume. voluntary voluntary) warrant was weaknesses what when whereby whether whether, which who whole; will with within worth worth, yet yield “SWOT.” “be “capital “controllable.” “flexible”) “full-time “noncontrollable.” “static” “turns “twovariance”
Expenses are recorded when they are incurred, not when they
are paid. The
Accrual Basis Accounting: Revenue is recorded when it is
earned, not when payment is received.
financial system.
Accounting System: Records the evidence that some event has
occurred in the healthcare
Accounting Rate of Return: See Unadjusted Rate of Return.