Financial Analysis Part F-- Liquidity Ratios (in millions)
Financial Analysis Part F-- Liquidity Ratios (in millions)
(a (an (and (considering (in -22.22% -23.91% -24.29% -28.57% -3.52% -3.52%. -3.69% -4.47% -4.48% .017 .053 .070 .091 .100 .117 .140 .150 .17% .17%). .17%. .196 .466 .483 .483, .526 .576 .603 .722 .926 1 1.006 1.331 1.782 13, 13.053 13.553 19.89% 19.89%. 2 2. 2.342 2.644 2.644. 2008 2009 2009. 2019, 22.22%, 23.41% 23.91%, 24.29%, 25 25.386 25.430 26 28.25% 28.25%). 28.25%, 28.57%, 3.170 3.170. 3.52% 30.67% 30.67%. 32.31% 32.31%). 32.31%, 4.47%). 4.47%, 7 7.069 7.400 8 < Analysis As Asset Assets Common Current Debt Earned Earnings Equity F Financial For From However, I In Interest Inventory Liquidity Margin Most Obviously, Only Part Payout Per Price-Earnings Profit Profitability Quick Ratio Ratios Receivables Return Share Solvency Stockholder’s The There This Times Total Turnover While With a actual all also an and any are as asset assets assets, be before, between bigger change change, changes common consists current debt debts decimal), decimal). decimal, decimals decimals. decrease decrease. decreasing didn’t difference does don’t earned earned, earned. earnings entire equity equity, examining example, five for found four from gap given had has have high high. in includes increase individual interest inventory is liquidity low margin margin, millions) most not numbers of often on one only payout per percent pretty price-earnings profit profitability quick range ranging ratio ratio, ratio. ratios ratios. ratios: receivables respectively. return see seem share share, similar similar. six small solvency some stated stockholder’s that the them there this three times to too, total trend trends turnover turnover, two two. very was were we’re which while with x years). years.
While current ratio, quick ratio, and inventory turnover all have an
increase from 2008 to 2019, only receivables turnover has a decrease. There
does not seem to be any trend in the actual numbers for the ratios in the two
years. While current ratio consists of 1 (and some decimal), quick ratio
consists of only some decimal, receivables turnover consists of 7 (and some