SOCRATES PHILOSOPHY TO SCIENCE Science – or, with respect to this writing, natural philosophy – is concerned with observing, collecting, and analyzing natural phenomena in order to form a collective b

SOCRATES PHILOSOPHY TO SCIENCE Science – or, with respect to this writing, natural philosophy – is concerned with observing, collecting, and analyzing natural phenomena in order to form a collective b


(1950): (Socratic (albeit, (and, (including (or, (pre-Socratic) - 1, 10: 1543, 2011. 2015. 4 4, 469 515–48. 5: 9, :: AD1, Academy Academy, Accessed According Akademeia, Akademeia17, Alas, Also, Although Ancient Another Approach Aristophanes Aristotelian Aristotle Aristotle, Aristotle. As Athenian Athenian) Athens Augustana BCE, Benefits.” Biography Britannica. Carnegie Cited Classical College, Communal. Comparison DOCUMENT Definitions. Democracy.” Dialogue, Dialogues Dialogues) Diffen.” Difference Dye Dye, Educational. Ehrenberg, Empire6. Encyclopedia Encyclopedia.” Epistemology, Everyone.” Explorable, Faith. Fall Father February Finally, Firstly, Forms.” Glory Greatness.” Greece Greece, Greece.” Greece14, Greece5, Greek Guide, Heritage His Historia History History.” Homo However, IN If Illinois In Informational, Informational. Is It Its James James. Justice.”12 Knowledge. Known Lam, Learning Lecture, Lyceum.” Lyceum19, Martyn. Mellon Meno16, Method Method) Method. Method.” Method10 Method?” New Northern PHILOSOPHY Perhaps Philosopher, Philosophical, Philosophy Philosophy, Plato Plato, Plato. Plato’s Portal.” Prior Problem,”8 Program. Regarding Research Revolution.” Revolution2, Rise SCIENCE SOCRATES Science Science, Scientific Shuttleworth, Simply So, Socrates Socrates, Socrates.” Socrates’ Socratic THIS TO TOPICS Terms, That The Thesis, Though Thus, Turnitin. University, Victor. View Virtue Was Well, Western Works World Xenophon)11. 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Science – or, with respect to this writing, natural philosophy – is concerned with observing, collecting, and analyzing natural phenomena in order to form a collective body of knowledge that defines, explains and attempts to predict the respective phenomenon being studied. Although science, at least in its contemporary definition, did not begin until sometime during the fifteenth century AD1, the intricacies that form its core have technically been occurring since arrival of Homo sapiens on the planet. Prior to 1543, in what is now referred to as the Scientific Revolution2, the observation of natural phenomenon and consequent inferences of such obviously still occurred; back then, however, it was discipline known as philosophy and the people studying it were called philosophers.

Alas, when it comes to the study of philosophy (or, history and the humanities), Socrates is a name that arises early and often, ultimately serving as the very essence of western philosophy, as its