RELIGION VS. PHILOSOPHY When first looking at the relationship between philosophy and religion, I found it easier to explain the differences rather than the similarities. I began this paper the same

RELIGION VS. PHILOSOPHY When first looking at the relationship between philosophy and religion, I found it easier to explain the differences rather than the similarities. I began this paper the same


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When first looking at the relationship between philosophy and religion, I found it easier to explain the differences rather than the similarities. I began this paper the same way I do others. This generally involves a profound amount of research on the topic at hand. However, in contrast to the other papers I have done, the definitions of philosophy and religion only raised more questions for me. It was fascinating how the explanations differed dramatically from author to author.

I will begin this paper by reciting some of the definitions that I did find. The simplest definition states, "In many cultures and times, religion has been the basic foundation of life, permeating all aspects of human existence (pg 12, Fisher)." Another more extensive definition read