PLATO (Short) Plato asks; "What would happen if one of these prisoners were released from his chains, were forced to stand up, turn around (conversion) and walk with his eyes lifted up towards the li

PLATO (Short) Plato asks; "What would happen if one of these prisoners were released from his chains, were forced to stand up, turn around (conversion) and walk with his eyes lifted up towards the li


"What (Ion, (Republic, (conversion) (in ... 1). 228 ; A All Allegory And Book Cave Cave, Euthrophro Euthyphro Euthyphro, Euthyphro-Plato Euthyphros Eventually, Finally, Forms Forms. He How I II II, III’s IV, In Ion, Line Meletus Muse Natural Not Our Philon Philosophy Plato Plato, Plato’s Reflections Republic, SUN Socrates Such Sun That The They This Thus, When Wisdom. X X, [1] [2]. [and a able about abstract act addition, addressed against all allegory allegory, allowed along alright an analogies, analyzing and another another’ anything appears appetitive, are argued argues, argument arose around art arts as asks; assign assumptions at audience audience. avoided. bad based basis be because begin begins being beliefs believe believed believes best between big body. bring brought built. but by cannot cave cave, cave? certain chained chains chains, changing character charges city-state. claim claims comes commits comparing complex concept concerning condemnation connection constant constrain contains context contradict contrary corrupting court crucial death desire desires detailed determine dialogue did didn’t discussion distinct do does during each easier effect effects elders else emerges emphasized end, essay eternal evaluate everything evil evil. experiences. explaining explains expressions extremely eye eyes false famous father feasible feel fellow filled find first flux followed for for, forced forms forms; framework from get give gods gods, gods. god’s. going good goodness had happen happiness harmful has have he hear hearers” hears help her him himself his holiness how human humans ideal ideal, if ignorance ill illusion illusionistic imitated imitation imitation, imitative imperfect important. impossible in individual inside inside, inspiration inspired inspired” intellectual intentions. interest interested interesting into is is, it its itself job journey judging just know knowledge knowledge, largely later, liberated life lifted light?" likens limited little live look looking lot makes making man material material, matter; may me meant mechanism memory men mental metaphor might mimesis. mimetic, morally more most mouth much must natural nature necessity night not not. not] nothing object objects obstruct of offenses” on one one’s opposed opry or ordeals order orderly, other. others” our outlines outside own p13) p25). p42). painting. paradigm part part, parts parts: perfect perfect, persuasive picture play pleasure), poet poet. poetry poetry. poet’s portrayed position possesses powers presented previous principles prison, prisoner prisoners prisoners, prizes problem produce provide purpose, purpose. put questions rational. reaching real reality. really recall recalls recitations; regarding regards related relation relations released religion remain represent represents rests right right, ruinous run same same” saying see see. seem seemed sense, senses. sentenced series several shadows shadows, sharpest shocking should show sky so something sort soul soul, spirited, spiritual stand stare stars state states strange stronger subject superior support symbolizes taken teleological telos. than that that, the their then theory there these they thing think think. thinking thinks this thorough those three through time time. to too took towards traits, tripartite true trust truth truth. trying turn two unchanging. understanding undesirable up up, upward, use used uses value view viewpoints. views virtue virtues, walk was ways we were what when where which who whole wide-ranging will with work world world, world. worlds worlds, worldview, would you young your youth. ­ ­Lifting – ‘own ‘us’ “a “all “interfere “the “us,”

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Plato asks; "What would happen if one of these prisoners were released from his chains, were forced to stand up, turn around (conversion) and walk with his eyes lifted up towards the light?"

Eventually, he would be able to see the real object for and in itself ; ­Lifting his eyes upward, he would find it easier to look at the stars at night Finally, he would look right at the SUN in its Natural position in the sky and ; ­ Not at its Reflections from or through anything else How would the liberated prisoner feel about his previous life in the cave? ­ He would recall what his fellow prisoners and himself took to be