10 After Baptist Braham Buddhism Buddhism, Catholic Catholic’s Christianity Christianity, Church. Dalai Doctrinal Each Examples Femininity For God God’s Hanukah. Her Higher Highest However, I In Islam Islam, Islam’s Jewish Lama Menorah More Moses Most Muhammad Muhammad, Muslims Ninian OF One PHILOSOPHY Patriarchal Philosophical Prophet RELIGION Religion Roman Rosemary Salat Smart Talk Tao The Their Theology This When Whereas With Zykat a able about about. acceptable. accounts advisor after afterlife ago, agree all all, allows all… also amongst an analogies anatomy and appearance, appearing architecture, are area” art, as aspects aspects. astronomy at average aware bare based basic be became becoming before being belief belief. beliefs believe between beyond biblical blinds bone” burdens but by calls camel can candlestick cannot characteristics citizens. class clear code codes coexist commandments comparison, composed connect consensus considered contrasts conviction create creates crucifix curiosity customs daily day-to-day deals death. demotes describe described description designed detailed differentiate dimension dimension. dimensions doctrine, does doesn’t doubt down during each either emotional, enlightenment entirety, ethical every everyday evidence evolved, example exclude experience experienced experiences female, feminine feminism few figment five follow followed followers followers. followers; for force formed, found four from fundamental geared gender generations guidelines happens have he heaven heavily her higher his hold holder holiday honestly honorable how however, human human. humans human’s idea if illustrated illustration image images imagination. imbalance importance important in includes indescribable inexplicable, instance, institutional integral interaction intuitive involves is it its journey just keep landmarks, leader leaders leaders, legal legit like lives. love lower mainstream male man manner material matters me. men mental mind’s minimum. more most mother. must myth mythic narration narrative natural nature necessarily neither new no non-cognition, nor not notion occurrences occurs. of often on one operates. or oral orchestrated order other other. our out over oxymorons pagan parted participation passed path. pathology perceived phased philosophical physical placed placing plague plays points poor. practiced practiced, praised. prayer prayer. prescribes primarily principle. principles problem process prominence prominent promise prophet, provide provided providing reality really realm red reduces referred relations religion religion, religions religions, religions. religious restructure reverse rituals role routine rules schools scriptures sea, second sector. see seeing seen self semesters sentiment sentimental set seven share similar six so social socially society society, society. solution solution, something specific standards stone. stories story straight stressing strict strong. subset such suggested supernatural; symbol synonymous taking talked testimony; that the their theories there these they think this though thought thought. three through tie tied ties to told tools. totally touches towards traditional traditions true truly truth. two unimaginable universe unlike unseen. us use used values various vast very visual vs. water ways, weak wealth were what where which white”. who will with without woman, woman’s women worldly worshiped worshiped, would yet – “God” “back “black “grey “leader” “tie”
The seven dimensions of religion detailed by Ninian Smart provide a clear illustration of how religion is formed, practiced, and perceived by society. Each dimension touches on specific characteristics that hold true for most traditional religious sector. The most prominent dimension are the rituals and customs practiced that differentiate the various schools of religious belief. For instance, in Islam their prayer is referred to as a Salat which involves a strict set of guidelines which must be followed during prayer.
Whereas in the Baptist subset of Christianity, prayer doesn’t necessarily have to follow to set physical routine in order for it be considered a legit prayer. The second dimension described is the experienced and emotional, as it ties a human’s sentimental values to various religions. In Buddhism,