PERSONAL EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY A teacher is defined as a person who teaches (Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, 2019). This is only the basic definition of a teacher; teachers are more than just their

PERSONAL EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY A teacher is defined as a person who teaches (Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, 2019). This is only the basic definition of a teacher; teachers are more than just their


"I (2009, (2014). (2014, (Merriam (Murray, (SIUE, (, (Walizer, 01). 13). 2009). 2014). 2019). 24). A All An Basic Beliefs Dictionary EDUCATION EdWize. Educational English February Focusing Huffington I Illinois Internet July Literature M. Merriam Murray, N. November Online, Online. P. PHILOSOPHY Personal Philosophy Post. Progressivism Progressivist References Retrieved SIUE. Southern Students Teacher Teachers The There They This Thought University. W. Walizer, We Webster When a abilities ability able about about. adapt admire advice along already also always am an and are art art. as asked aspire at authority bad basic basis be because become been beliefs believe beneficial best build builds buses but by called can cannot center classroom commitment connected consider contributing conversation could curiosity” curricula day decide defined definition definitions, definitions. determining dictate different discussion disproved disrespected do does done drive each ear, earn easier education educational emulate encouraged encourages encourages. end engaging entrusted even ever everything excellence experience. experiences, face, figure. find five fluid; focus for foster founts four friend from fullest generation generation. gets give gives go goals. goes going, good graduation greater. greatness, growth growth. guidance” have help how however hugs impact impart in included individualized information information. information; inspires instead instructional interacts interested interesting interests, interpret into introduce involved is it it. it”.” job, just key kinds knew know knowing knowledge known leader leader, leads learn learning learning. learns leave lessons lessons, lied life life” like like. listener, live lives lives, look make making manner many matter, matter. matters may means meant meant; members model model. mold more most names, need needs needs, never new next not nurture observe of office. often on on. one onePERSONAL ongoing, only order organizer, other our ourselves. out out. own pass passion passionate passions path pay; people person personal philosophies philosophy philosophy. planning position positions, positive potential practice practices process. progressivists protector; proud provoke pull reach reading realize regarding relate relationships relationships. relevant required, respect respects right role school see seek set shapes should six skills skills. so society someone something something, sometimes stifled. still strive student student's students students, students. students; students’ subject subscribe taught. teach teach. teacher teacher's teacher, teacher; teachers teachers’ teaches teaching than that the their them them, them. them; then they thing things things. think. this those thought thought. three through to to, today tomorrow. true try trying two type types unconsciously undergone understand up” us use used useful utilize want way way. we well what when where which while whispers who will with work worth would writer writing written wrote you you. “A “Believing “Teachers

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A teacher is defined as a person who teaches (Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, 2019). This is only the basic definition of a teacher; teachers are more than just their definitions. A teacher is a listener, an organizer, a leader, a protector; a teacher inspires and encourages. A teacher is a role model. “A teacher can never leave their work at the office. A teacher's day does not end when the buses pull out. A teacher builds relationships and teaches the students to build relationships. A teacher teaches students, not subject matter.

A teacher never ever gives up” (Walizer, 2019). Teachers are more than their definitions, more than their positions, more than their pay; teachers are the people that are entrusted with the education of the next generation. Teachers impart their knowledge on the next generation and they each have their own person beliefs that mold their own personal educational philosophy. A teachers’ personal educational philosophy shapes the way that they teach their students. Beliefs