MORAL PHILOSOPHY Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with ethics. Ethics can be defined as the study of right and wrong in human endeavors, it helps one to answer such ques

MORAL PHILOSOPHY Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with ethics. Ethics can be defined as the study of right and wrong in human endeavors, it helps one to answer such ques


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Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with ethics. Ethics can be defined as the study of right and wrong in human endeavors, it helps one to answer such questions as what is the proper course of action in a given situation, what one should do? It helps us identify the moral correctness of our conduct. From the very dawn of philosophy right up until this very day, ethics has been at the very core of the rational thinker’s cognizance.

Of course, knowledge of what is morally correct does not necessarily mean one will lead a good, “ethical” life, man may still make decisions and take actions against their better moral judgement, as free will dictates. For instance, we know from a young age that it is wrong to tell lies, but we also know that there are times when lying is perfectly justifiable.

We humans acquire our moral beliefs at a young age - an advantage in that they allow us grow up as social creatures – a disadvantage in that we may fail to see how factors in our social sphere can corrupt our moral agenda, which more often than not will cast misery upon others. Again