Intro to Philosophy Midterm (Short) The word philosophy itself means “the love of wisdom.” Philosophy stands for doing the right thing or being a “just” person. Philosophy also means to see things fo

Intro to Philosophy Midterm (Short) The word philosophy itself means “the love of wisdom.” Philosophy stands for doing the right thing or being a “just” person. Philosophy also means to see things fo


1. 2. A According Adimantus All Allegory Although Analogy Cave.” Cave” Divided Earth For Form Good Gyges His However, If Images In Intro Line Midterm Once One Our Philosophy Plato’s Republic Ring Socrates The These They Through When Without a able about acquire activity. acts actually adjust, adjusted. afterlife afterlife. again all all. allows also an and any anything appearance appearance. are are, argued argument as assumptions at attached away back be be. beautiful beautiful. beauty because becomes before being believe benefits beyond blamed, blinded body body. book brought by can cannot cast cave cave. chained claim claiming claims clearly clearly. cognition, cognitive continue could death decipher desire diminish. do does doing earth. enables enjoy enough exist. existence, explained. eyes eyes. find first flower flower. flowers for formed four fourth from front gets given go goes good happier has have he heaven highest him, his holds identify identities images imitating. in inside inside. intelligible invisible. is it it. its itself judge judging just know knowledge knowledge. laugh level levels life lifelong light living love made man may meaning means men merely more must not nothing now objects objects. of on on, once one only operating opinion opinion, opinion. opinions. or others our outside people perceive perceived perceiving period person person. philosopher philosopher’s philosophy physical prisoners punishment. purification puts quest rather reached reality. represent represented right ring ruined saw second see see. seem seen sees shadows shadows, should something something. soul stages stages, stands still sun sun, suns sun’s support tell telling than that the their them them. themselves. there therefore they thing things third this thought time to true truly two unchained understand unjust unjust. us vessel viewed visible wall was we were what which while will wisdom.” with without word world world. worlds, would wrong, you “Phaedo” “The “just” “the

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The word philosophy itself means “the love of wisdom.” Philosophy stands for doing the right thing or being a “just” person. Philosophy also means to see things for what they truly are and not what they may seem to be. A philosopher’s life is a lifelong quest to find the meaning of things beyond their physical appearance.