IMMANUEL KANT PHILOSOPHY For this case, I will be using Kantian ethics to pinpoint the rationally correct action to take. Before discussing Kantian ethics in relation to the case, we must firs 1600W

IMMANUEL KANT PHILOSOPHY For this case, I will be using Kantian ethics to pinpoint the rationally correct action to take. Before discussing Kantian ethics in relation to the case, we must firs 1600W


(2006), (2006). (2012). (2013). (Ed.), (Johnson, (Manninen, (Sinnott-Armstrong, 100-105. 1600W 2006). 2013). 2019). 32(2), A A. Adderall An Another As B. B.A. Because Before By CASE CATEGORICAL Categorical Children Consequentialism. Contrasted DISCUSSION Designer E. Ends For Formula. Furthermore, Human Humanity I IMPERATIVE If Imperative Imperative, Imperative: In Instead Instead, Johnson, Journal KANT Kant Kantian Kant’s Kingdom Manninen Manninen, Medicating Moral OF One PHILOSOPHY People Philosophy. R. Realistically, References: Retrieved Ritalin Secondly, Since Sinnott-Armstrong, THE The Then There Therefore, Thirdly, This Thus, To Utilitarian, W. Zalta a ability able above academics. acceptable accepted accomplish achieve act act, action action. actions actually adults adults, against age, agent agent. agents agrees ahead aims akin all allowing also always an analysis and and, another are argument article as aspect asserts autonomies autonomies. autonomous autonomy autonomy. avoided. away. based be be: because become becomes becoming behavior being beings but by called can cannot capacities, capacity capacity. case case, case. challenge, chance children children, children. chosen churning circumvent clerk clerks cognitive college comes community competitive conceivable concept conclusion, conform consent. consents consequentialist consider contains contrasted correct correctness could create creates crutch. deadlines deal dealing deontological dependency dependency. dependent deserve developing development development. did dignity disallowing discussing do does doesn’t done downside drug drug-dependent drug. drugs drugs. each early element elements. else: emotional emotions encyclopedia end end. ends, engage enhancing entails equally essentially ethics ethics, every everyday, everyone everyone. everything example, exists experiment explore extremely face facing factor faster. feel feeling, filled finish first five fix focus focuses follows follows, food. for formula formulation four freedom freedom. freely from full fully function functioning get goal goal. goes grow grow. growing growth growth. hand. happens happiness. hard has have he heavy help her here herself. himself his holds how human human: humanity humans idea if imagine immoral important in includes increase increasing infantilized infringe inherent inhibit instead into irrational irrational. is is. it it? itself journal judgment just kantian kind kinds know knowing law law. left like limited limited. limiting limits line lost machine machines made main make manipulated manner, maxim maxim, maxims maxims. may means means. medical meet mentioned mere merely might mind: miracle moral morally more most much must my need neuro-society neuro-society. never new nor norm norm, not noted nothing o obligation obstacle of on one ones one’s only opinion, opportunity or other other’s our out output output. over-achieving overcoming overprescribing own parents particular parties pass people people. people’s person personal person’s philosophy. pill. pills pinpoint point pop popping possible. posteriori. potential potential, preserve previously priori. problems problems. process produce productivity promote prosper, protect protected psychoactive purchase pursue put qualify question quick quickest rather rational rational. rationally reach realize reason reduce reduces relation relying remain respect respected respecting response results right rightness sacrifices say school see seek self-development sense she shop short-term shortcomings should show significant since six skip slowly society society. solution something somewhat stanford stated, states still stipulates stops stress stress, stressful students studies. stunt stunts such suddenly supplemented take take. taken taking talents. task. test test, than that the their them. themselves themselves. then there these they think third this this, though, thought thought, three through to treated try turn turn, twIMMANUEL twin two under universalizability, universalizability. universalizable universalized up uphold use used using utilize utilized value value, view vulnerable want way we were what when where wherein which who why will will, wills with without work workload. world world, would would, wouldn’t wrong wrongness you

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For this case, I will be using Kantian ethics to pinpoint the rationally correct action to take. Before discussing Kantian ethics in relation to the case, we must first explore what Kantian ethics is. Kantian ethics comes from the deontological school of thought, which focuses on the moral correctness of the act in itself (Johnson, 2019). This means that the judgment on the act is done a priori. This is contrasted to the consequentialist school of thought, which focuses on the results of an act as the factor that would qualify the rightness or wrongness of an action (Sinnott-Armstrong, 2019). A consequentialist would make a judgment on an act a posteriori.

Kant utilized a concept called the Categorical Imperative, which states that that which is moral is that which is rational (Johnson, 2013). Therefore, a moral act is one that follows from a rational agent. An immoral act, as it follows, is that which is irrational (Johnson, 2019). Another significant factor