HOW DOES HEGEL UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY AS SUPERSEDING RELIGION IN THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT? Hegel examines the "religious consciousness", by taking into considerations its history evolvin

HOW DOES HEGEL UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY AS SUPERSEDING RELIGION IN THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT? Hegel examines the "religious consciousness", by taking into considerations its history evolvin


" "Absolute "Aesthetic" "Geist "He "Our "Philosophy "Religious" "artistic "hierarchy "natural "philosophical "pictorial "picture "religious "revealed "spiritual 'method' (Desmond) (Desmond). (Phenomenology 170-197. 1987. AS Absolute According All Aristotle Art Arts" As At Bibliography But Christ, Christianity. Consciousness". DOES Desmond, For God HEGEL HOW Harmony, Hegel Hegel's Hegel, Hegel. Hegelian However, IN In Knowing, Love, Morality New Notion Notion, OF On One PHENOMENOLOGY PHILOSOPHY Philosophy Press, RELIGION ROLE Religion Revealed SPIRIT? SUPERSEDING Social Spirit Spirit, Spirit. State Stoics THE That The Then There This Truth Truths UNDERSTAND University While William. Wisdom, With Word York York: a above absolute abstractions accomplishing according accurate achieved act activity adds advanced agrees all already also altering an and animals, another antithesis any apex appearances approached are art art. arts arts, as aspects at atmosphere attain awareness be bearing becomes becoming been behaviors. being believed believes birth both but by call calling can can, cannot carrying certain certainly certainty, claim clarifying clarity clear closely come comes communicating community completion component, conceptual concrete condemn. confusing consciousness consciousness" consciousness", consciousness". consciousness, consciousness. consciousness." consequently considerations contains content continues contradiction contradictory. course. create creator, cycle. dances, deal deals decisions dialectic, did different disregarding divine. do does does. eBook. each either elite elitist enables entails entirety, etc. even events everything evident evolves evolving examines example example, example. exhibits explain explains few find fire five for form forms forth forward foundation," four from full gather gave gives goal gods. goes group had hand hands, has have he headed heading heaven held hence here high higher highest him his history how however human humanity, humans idea ideas ideas, if imagery. images implied in inside intangible intellect, interested into is it it. its itself just knowing lead leader level life like list. literature literature. loaded look love love, lower makes making manner manners masses mastering matter. maturity meant mental mere metaphors, method methodology methods might minister. moments moments, morality, most move multiple music must mutual natural nature nature, normal not now object objective obstacle of offers on one one's only or organization organization. other others outside over own paintings, particulars perceived. phenomena. phenomenology philosopher philosophical philosophy pictorial picture pictures, places point point, position," practical precision precision. present presented, presents primitive principle principles. probably providing puts reach reached. reaches reality realize reason reason, reasoning relationships relies religion religion". religious representations responsibility. revered rise rising ritualistic rose sacred same saw say sculptures, see seeking seems, self-consciousness. selflessness, separate shape similar simply six skeptics so social societies society something sought speaks spirit spirit, spiritual state stays stick stoics subject subject. subjective subordinate summit sun superseded supersedes synthesis, taking team temples than that that, the their then theoretical. there therefore these thesis, they things think thinking thinking" thinking, thinking. thinks. this those thought thought, thoughts, three through to together top transcended translated truth truth, truths two ultimate unchanged. understands unify use uses utmost very via view view. virtue, was way way. ways we were what where whether which which, whole why will wisdom with words works worldly worship worshiped. would yielded §797).

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Hegel examines the "religious consciousness", by taking into considerations its history evolving from the "natural religious consciousness", which was primitive and saw God as nature or multiple gods. For example, in natural religion God in the form of fire was worshiped. Then the "religious consciousness" evolves from nature, animals, sun and so forth to what the human create with his hands, this comes from the idea of creator, that it is divine.

Religion was sought in works of humans like temples and the arts inside it as sculptures, ritualistic music and dances, paintings, etc. which gave birth to the "artistic religious consciousness". This also gave rise to the confusing contradiction of whether things were object of worship and object of art. Hegel agrees with Aristotle on a "hierarchy of the Arts" where literature and music are the highest