EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY AND RATIONALE In the field of education every teacher has a personal philosophy. A set of views and theories used by educators to teach and develop their students. This respective
EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY AND RATIONALE In the field of education every teacher has a personal philosophy. A set of views and theories used by educators to teach and develop their students. This respective
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In the field of education every teacher has a personal philosophy. A set of views and theories used by educators to teach and develop their students. This respective philosophy is woven throughout the style in which the teacher presents the curriculum to the student and how the overall environment of the classroom is presented. In this essay will be, not only the discussion of my personal education philosophy, but also the philosophies that I did not agree with and the reasons why. Also to be shared, will be the implementation of my educational philosophy in the classroom setting as well as my individual educational mission statement.
Throughout the readings and research conducted to target my personal education philosophy, the one that I agreed with most was idealism. Idealism is a method that expresses the superior value of mind and spirit (Islam, n.d.). Idealism believes that truth is in the uniformity of ideas and that goodness is an perfect state to attempt to achieve (Kurtus, 2001). Idealist metaphysics is mirrored in the truth that only the rational and the spiritual are completely real. For the idealist, an individual’s