A SAMPLE APA FORMATTED PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION PAPER The purpose of this paper is to guide you through the process of writing your philosophy of education paper and to demonstrate the correct format.

A SAMPLE APA FORMATTED PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION PAPER The purpose of this paper is to guide you through the process of writing your philosophy of education paper and to demonstrate the correct format.


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The purpose of this paper is to guide you through the process of writing your philosophy of education paper and to demonstrate the correct format. Use it as a template as you write your paper. This page shows you the layout of the first page. Observe how the title is first, followed by the Section Title, which is underlined, and that both are centered. Notice also that the paragraphs are left-justified and indented ½ inch (Cruz & Smith, 2019).

Also look at the page number. It is in the top right-hand corner of the page, between the edge of the page and the first line. It is set several spaces to the right of the running head. The page number and running head should be on every page, including the Title Page. Notice also that the page has a one inch margins all around. In your introduction identify the school of philosophy to which you belong. Are you a