Education is considered a certain ladder Education is considered a certain ladder for everybody to climb up to prosperity. Fromthe poor to the rich, according to parents' conception, children are forc
Education is considered a certain ladder Education is considered a certain ladder for everybody to climb up to prosperity. Fromthe poor to the rich, according to parents' conception, children are forc
"bring "to 'hobbies' 'music', 'sports', (Latin) .We 11 1473 1962 2011, 4 500,000 A America And Another Anything As Because But By Can Chinese Consequently, Cuba Cuba. Education English English. First Firstly, For From Furthermore, However, I I'm If In Instructions Japanese Japanese-food-hungry Knowledge Lastly, Me My New On Once One Secondly, So So, States Teachers Thank The There They Those Through To Today Today’s US. USD United Vietnam WTO, We Well, When Without Words Zealand. [cont a able about according adamant addition, advice affect after ages. all all, allotted. allowed also am amount amusing. an and another anymore; anyone are as assimilate at attracted aware bad barriers based basically be became because become been begin being believe believe... benefits billion boarding born both bought box bring bringing brings busy but by call called came can can't care careers carried cash certain chance change changing characteristic characteristics characters. chatting child child, children child’s choosing climb companies, concentrating concentrating. conception, conclude, conclusion, condition confidence considered constantly contrast, contributed contributor could, couldn't countries. country country. county county. create creativity, critical critically crucial dangerous days, days. decades. degree. deny department depressed depressed. derived developed development did different diplomacy disliked distracting do doing domestic don't don’t dressing ducere, duty e early earning easily easily. economy economy. educare educated educating, education education. education; educational educere effective.< employees endless errors errors? essay essays, estimated etc. even every everybody example, experience experience. experienced exported factor factors factors, failing family family. father feel filled fine. five flow, follow. food for forced forces, foreign forth four friend friend, friends friends. from full future. gained gave get getting girls give given good goods government governments grammatical growth growth. had happy hard has have he hear, helped her high his homesick. homework. house house, house. huge human ideas. identity, identity. idiotic if illustrate, imagine importance important imported impose imposing improve improvement in increases increasingly indispensable. information inside insight. instance, international into intuition. investment irritated is it it. itself jobs joining joyful just killing know knowledge lack ladder language large lazy. lead lead". learn learning, left lessons life life, like live live. living lonely lots luckily, machines. made mailed maintain make making management many market master's may me me, me. means mere midnight midnight. mine missed more more. most much my myself name nation nation. nations native need never no not nothing now now. obey, of often, on onEducation once one only opening opinion opposite. or originality other out out", outside over own. paid parents parents' part parts passes, people person person. personal personality, phoned photo pieces place play please policies policies, policies. politic poor potential" powerful present producing professional profit profits prosperity prosperity. providing pushing put putting qualified quarrel question quite raise real realised recognise recognized related relationship relationship, relationship. removed, result, rich, risen role roles room roommates roommates. rude said same sanctioned school school, school. schooling. schools scolded second see, seeking seems self sell senior shadow shape shaped she shop shopped shower sides. significance significant silly similar simply since six skilled sleep slowly small smell, so so... society society. society’s some something something. sound source speak speak. speaker, speaking spent spreading stable standard started strangers strength strengthening struggling stubborn stubborn. students students, studies. study such suggested supply support, supported supposed surroundings sweets, system system. system: take tariff taste; taught taxes teach tell tense test thanks that that, the their them themselves there there. therefore, they things think think, think. this this, this. though three through till time times to to, today. together too, too. top traits.< trip, true. truth, two types understand understand. unfamiliar up up", used using usually value very via vital vocabulary want was was, way, we web weekly well went were what when where which while who whole wish with with, within", without word words work. workers. workforces, working world world, worried would write wrote year years yet, you you. yourself yourself. – ‘educated’ ‘education’. “education”
Education is considered a certain ladder for everybody to climb up to prosperity. From
the poor to the rich, according to parents' conception, children are forced to
study in the early ages. Consequently, it has been increasingly recognized that
the development of a country is only contributed by education. To begin with, a
good education system can supply a source of skilled and qualified employees to
the working forces, which play critical roles to the economy growth. They are