CHICKEN RUN Encik Selamat, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), had been the General Manager of Excel Poultry & Meat Sdn Bhd (EPM), a subsidiary of PCK Holding, since 2005. The set up was small and m

CHICKEN RUN Encik Selamat, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), had been the General Manager of Excel Poultry & Meat Sdn Bhd (EPM), a subsidiary of PCK Holding, since 2005. The set up was small and m


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Encik Selamat, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), had been the General Manager of Excel Poultry & Meat Sdn Bhd (EPM), a subsidiary of PCK Holding, since 2005. The set up was small and medium sized enterprise (SME) located in Kluang, Johor. In year 2008 his career track and had been smooth closing when the company he presently helmed faced operational crises. The “chicken run” saga pictured a case that was familiar in respect of management of SME industry, at the infant stage when there was a lack of focus on the important considerations for proper running of business operation.


EPM was established in 1998 to carry on chicken farming and supplying of whole chickens to various outlets in Malaysia. The company was one of the members of the Federation of Live Stock Farmers Association of Malaysia (FLFAM). In august 2008, FLFAM issued a statement depicting a stark contrast in local poultry production costs between 2006 & 2008.

FLFAM made a higher chicken price in order to protect producer earnings in the face of the feed cost hike. However when the seller of chicken in Malaysia markets did increases the