WHY GOOD ACCOUNTANTS DO BAD AUDITS The Article on Why Good Accountants Do Bad Audits specifies the different reasons why accountants and auditors have taken part – consciously and unconsciously – in d
WHY GOOD ACCOUNTANTS DO BAD AUDITS The Article on Why Good Accountants Do Bad Audits specifies the different reasons why accountants and auditors have taken part – consciously and unconsciously – in d
(Ambiguity); (Approval). (Attachment); ,and 2 2002 ACCOUNTANTS AUDITS Accountancy Accountants Act After Also, And Article As Aspects Audits BAD Bad Board But Certified Clients Commission Competence DO Discounting: Do Escalation: Familiarity: Favoring GOOD Good Hopefully, How I In Independence. Institute Interpreting It Just Knowing Lastly, Many Maybe Mostly Oxley Philippine Philippines Philippines? Professional Public Regulations Sarbanes Since Sometimes, That’s The There These To True Unconscious We Which Why a ability about accountability accountability. accountant. accountants accountants. accounting achieve act addressed affect affected after again. align all also among an and any apply are aren’t around article article, articles as aspects assurance at audit auditing auditing. auditor auditors auditors, authoritative authors authors. away bad. be because become been before being believe better between beyond bias bias, bias. bias? biased biased, biases, bigger bodies both both, built built. but can care careful class client clients closely come companies company company, competent completely concealed. conclusion, conclusions confidence conscious consciously consult. consultation contracts convince coordination corporate correct, corruption, could couldn’t country country? court create credibility credible. critical customers, cut damaged dangerous. decisions deep degree depended despite detect did different do doesn’t doing don’t, doubts dried, due easy, easy. education effects. eliminate employment, end end, endorse entities errors especially essential etc.; even everyone evident existence exists expected face, facts fair fair. fairness far fate feed few financial find firms first five focused for form found four fraud fraud, fraud. general give given giving go good gotten government guarantee hard has have he he/she hear hear, hear. help hesitate highest himself hire his/her how human if important in independence independent indiscretions influence information intentionally into involuntarily involved is issue it it, it. its it’s jail job jobs. judgment: judgments judgments, just keep know know; known larger lead lean learned lies like likely line little logical look looks loss lot make making may mentioned mentioned. might minimize minor mistakes more most nature nature, need never not not, not. now o objective, objectivity. of offer. on one one’s only opinion opinion, opinions opportunities or order other other. others our out oversights own part people picture, plague please point position positive possible possibly practical practices practitioners presented pressure. previous problem problem. problems profession profession, professional professionalism prove provide providing provisions public question read reading reality, realize realized reason, reasons recognize reduce reduce, reforms relationships relationships, reliability remedies remedy. removal repair reports resolve respect restore resulted results rooted sacrificed sacrificing salary same says scandals scandals. self serve services serving set several share should side signing simply six skepticism so so, solution. solutions some somehow someone something sometimes specifies stake stated, statements stay steps still stop such such, suggest suggested, suggestions. sure swaying switching take taken tell tend tendencies. than that that’s the their them them. them: there these they thin things think this though, thought thought. threat three through through, time time. to too topics traits: turning twWHY two unaware unbiased unconscious unconsciously understand undesired unemployment unless unlike unobjective us various walk want ways we week, well. were were. what when whenever whether which who whom whose why will wished wishes with without world. world’s would wouldn’t wrong. you your –
The Article on Why Good Accountants Do Bad Audits specifies the different reasons why accountants and auditors have taken part – consciously and unconsciously – in different accounting scandals. The signing of the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 wishes to achieve corporate accountability. But the signing of this act doesn’t guarantee that accountants and auditors will not feed on their unconscious self – serving bias.
Unconscious bias, unlike conscious corruption, would be hard to prove to court and serve jail time. That’s why as accountants and auditors who want to restore the confidence of the public in the accounting profession, we should go beyond the provisions of the Sarbanes – Oxley Act and apply practices that recognize the existence of bias and minimize its effects. There are