ROLE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Managers in Annovim Plc have to understand since the early 1980s a number of ‘innovative’ management accounting techniques have been developed such as activity-based tech

ROLE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Managers in Annovim Plc have to understand since the early 1980s a number of ‘innovative’ management accounting techniques have been developed such as activity-based tech


& (1984). (Bouwens (Ittner (Kaplan (costing, (e.g. (management) 1 1. 1980s 1994; 1996; 1996a,b) 1997). 1997; 1998). 2. 2001). 2007. 2007; 25% 3 3% 3. 4 4. 5% 95% : A ACCOUNTANT Accounting Al, Also, Alternatively, Annivom Annivom’s Annovim Annovim. Annovim’s Annovom Any Apple’s Are As At Australia. Boots, Burton But But, By CEO COSTING Cadbury Cadbury, Certain China China; Chinese Chocolate Coca-Cola Cost Customer, Dairy EVA EVA, Each Electronics, Even Evolution Figure Finally, Financial, For Forced From Furthermore, Group, Having Hence, Hershey Hong However, I If Ikea International Items Ittner Just Kaplan Kaplan’s Kingdom Kingdom. Kong Larcker, Learning MANAGEMENT MEASURES Management Managers Manufacturing Many Measures Milk More Next, Norton, OF One Or Over Overall, O’Byrne, PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS Perhaps, Plc Plc. Purchasing Questions ROLES SYSTEM Samsung Shields, Siemens. Singapore, So, Spekle, Stewart, Swedish Take The Their Then Then, There Therefore, These This Thus, To Toward Traditional Transfer US United Usually, While, With Young a able abosrption about above, absoprtion absorption according account accountant accountant, accountants accountants. accounted accounting accounting. accounts achieve across activity activity-based actual add added additional administration administrations, adopted after aims all allocated allocating allocation alloting allotment allow alocated alone. also amount an analysing analysis and annum another anticipate anything applied appointment appraisal appropriate are arise around as asked assignment, associated assume assumed at attains available avoid avoided balanced bar bars, based basis batches batches, batches. bathes be because become been before began being believed benchmark benchmarking benchmarking. better between. bigger billed blush, bonus. bonuses. branding. budgeted budgeting, budgets business but by called can candy capacity capacity, capital carefully carry carrying case centers, centralize centre centre, centres. certain chain challenge challenges change charge charged charging cheaper cheesy chews chip chips chocolate choice citizen. claim combination come communication. companies company company. company’s compare compete competition, competitive competitor competitors competitors. competitors’ comprehensive concerns confectionary consider considerable consideration considered context contributed control control. controlling, controls conventions, cooking coordinate coordinating cost cost, cost-based cost. costing costing, costing. costs could countries course, create creativity critical criticised criticism criticism. csoting current currently customer customers’ cycle dairies debate decided decision decisions. delivering delivery demands demands, demands. department department, departments. design, desired, detailed details determination developed different differently direct director directors’ disadvantage disastrous. discretionary disfavourable distinctly distorted diversify division division. divisional divisions divisions. divisions’ division’s do do. does doing done downsizing drain drinkers, drive due duplications duties e each earlier, early earn economic economical effective efficiency efficiency, efficiently either element emphasized employed employees end, engineering ensure entirely eroding et etc, evade evaluate evaluation even every evolutionary ex-employees example example, examples excess existence existing expectation expenditure exporting external facing fact factory failed failure fall far favor fees. few figures financial first five fixed fixed-overhead flow focus focused for forecast forecasted foundation four from fulfilling functions furniture further general generally get getting given global goal goals going good goods got group growth. guide had hard has have having help hence higher hours hours, how human i.e. iPad iPhone ideally identify if ignore ignored imagine implement implementing importance imported improve improvements in including increase increased increases incur indicator. indirect industrial inefficiency inflating information innovation innovation. innovativeness insight instance, instead. intending internal international interpretation into introduced inventory investigation investing investments involved involves involving is issues it it. its itself just key knowledge labelled labor large lean left less let level leveled levels like line listed logical, long look losing low- lower made mainly maintaining maintenance maker maker, makes making man management management), management. manager managers managers. manipulation. manner manufacture manufacturer, manufacturing margin mark mark-up mark-ups market market-based marketing marks material materials materials. maximise maximize may maybe measure measured measurement measures measuring meet mentioned method milk milk. minimize minimum misleading mix mix. mixing mixing, mobile more mostly moving much necessary necessity need needs non not number numbers obtain of off often on on-time onROLE one only onto operating operations or order ordering organisational organisations organizational organizations oriented orienting original other others. out output outputs outsourced outsourcing over over-allocation overall overcome overhead overheads overheads. overlooked. overpriced own packaging packaging. packaging? part partner party. passed paying per performance performance. perhaps, period, perspectives phones place place. plan. planned planning planning, play poorer possibility possibly powdered practiced practices preferably premises price price. prices prices, prices. pricing pricing. primary problem problems procedures process process, processes processes, processes. processing produce produced produced. produces product product. production production, production-volume production. productions productivity. products products. products’ profit profit. profitability profitability, profitability. profits promoting proper propose provide provided providers provision published purchase purchases purpose quality quality. question questions quite rate rates rather raw reckon recommend recorded recovery reduce reducing regarded rejected related relating relevant rely rental report reporting require required requirements. resources responsibility result result, results reverse review role. roles sacrificing salary, sales sales, same satisfaction saving savings scope scorecard scorecard. seen seggrated sell selling senior serious seroius set share shareholder short short-termism should since six skills smaller smell smooth snacks so solely solution solve some specified spending spilting staff standard standing steady stock storage strategic strategy strength strong structure struggled, subject substandard such suffer sugar summarised suppliers supply supply. support sweets sweets? system system. systems tablets tablets. tailoring take target targeting taste, tax techniques technologies than that the their then there these they think third this thorough those three through time time, to total towards traditional transfer transferred transportation treatment treatments tries try tweaking two under under-production understand understandably, understanding unit units units. up uring use use. used used, using usually value value, variable variable-overhead variance variances variances, variances. variety versus warehousing warehousing. warranted was wastage. wastages way, weigh what where whether which whose wide widely will with within work-in-process worked workers’ workflow world-class would years, ‘innovative’ ‘just-in-time’ ‘new’ ‘outdated’

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Managers in Annovim Plc have to understand since the early 1980s a number of ‘innovative’ management accounting techniques have been developed such as activity-based techniques (costing, budgeting, and management), strategic management accounting and the balanced scorecard. From the context of the assignment, each division is regarded as a profit centre, where the divisional managers of the three divisions i.e. candy bars, chews and other sweets will try to maximize profit in order to ensure that they obtain the minimum required profit margin to achieve their own goals of getting bonuses.

So, managers of these divisions either mark-up their prices or improvements in financial performance by sacrificing investments in the materials used, on-time delivery or tweaking with the product mix. The other way, they will try to minimize costs either through reducing the direct and