ETHICS AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK PAPER There are two major philosophies in accounting consisting of a principles-based system for accounting and a rules-based system for accounting. The following discu

ETHICS AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK PAPER There are two major philosophies in accounting consisting of a principles-based system for accounting and a rules-based system for accounting. The following discu


(2001). (2002). (2003). (Abdolmohammadi, (Batavick, (FASB) (Foster, (GAAP). 2001). 2002). 2003). 2008 2008. 5, 7, A AICPA AND Abdolmohammadi, Accepted Accountants Accounting All Another Applied Arguments Batavick, Board CONCEPTUAL Conceptual Conversation Decision Each Ethics Ethics, FASB FASB, FASB’s FRAMEWORK Financial Foster, Framework? GAAP, Generally George Have However, In It J. John Johnson, M. Making McGraw-Hill. Member. Mohammad. New Newest Not November One PAPER Part Principles Principles-Based References Research Retrieved Role Rules-Based Since Standards The There These They This This, Todd When Why York: a about above, accepted account accountant accountants accounting accounting. accuracy. accurate achieve action action. actions activities activities, adequately advantages against aids all allow allowed allowing almost alone, also always an and any applicable application applied approach appropriate are areas arise as aspect at atmosphere auditors authoritative available, avoid be beast became because become becomes been before. begins being beneficial benefiting best better biases both boundaries brought business but by calls can career carrying case changes changing changing, circumstances clarification clearly companies company complexity concept concepts conceptual cons. considered. consistent consisting consists constantly continue continuous convictions course created creates credibility current, day. debated decide decision decision, decision-making decision. decisions decisions, decisions. define defined defined. defines defining definitions demonstrate desired detailed determined development different, differentials, differently difficult diminishes discussed discussion dismisses displays do does due each easier economic, educational ee effective. efficiency effort encompassing environment. especially essential established establishes ethical ethics ethics. even everyone everything expected expert faced facilitate factors fair fall field field. financial financially. first fit five followed followed. following for four framework framework, framework. from fundamental gain gaining game general generally give gives goal goals greater guidelines guidelines, handled has have help helpful helps higher highly historical, how if impact important impossible in inadequate inconsistent increasing individual individuals, individual’s influence information information, information. informed initially insight instances intended intentions internet interpretation into investment involving is issue issues issues, it its itself itself. judgment judgments judgments. just justice keep key know knowing knowledge lack large lawful laws, lawsuits leads legal legal. line litigation. long lot made made, made. major make makes making management manipulation many may mentioned methodology, misstating mold. moral morals more more-informed moving much must nearly necessarily necessary need needed needed, needed. negative neglect neutral never new not number objectives obviously of often on one only opinions or order other, out overall overload overload, own part part, particular personal pertinent philosophies piece place plan plays point policies. poor positivelight, practical practices, pre-defined preference, prepare primary principle principles principles-based principles. prior proactive problems, process profession professional profits projected promulgatory, proper pros provide public public. purpose question reached reasons reduce regulatory reporting reporting. reports requires research research. researching resources, responses responsibilities responsibility result resulting results role roles room rules rules-based ruling. run. same scandals scenario scenarios. see seems sense, set shortcomings should simpler situation six small so sound source sources speak specializing specific stakeholders stand standard standards standards. statements statements. status. still stronger strongly study. style subject, substance such sued superseded supporting system system, systems take taken taken. tamed, target, technological, terms that the their them then there therefore these they this those thrETHICS three time. to together training true turn two type ultimately unbiased understanding unreliable up used useful using versus very violations was weight well well-being well-rounded were what when where which why will willingness with within work worked worse, would yet

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There are two major philosophies in accounting consisting of a principles-based system for accounting and a rules-based system for accounting. The following discussion will speak about these two philosophies and will define one as being a best fit for encompassing the role of ethics and the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework was established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and is used to help define the boundaries of accounting.

It gives definitions of key terms and establishes consistent standards by which fundamental issues are defined. This makes it easier to facilitate discussion and leads to greater efficiency in making accounting judgments. The framework plays a major role in supporting the development of accounting standards used for neutral information, which is then used to make informed investment decisions, benefiting the public. The goal is to reduce the influence of personal biases and to give a fair judgment