Criminal Justice System PaperThe criminal justice system changes in regard to rules, procedures, and terms from state to state. But no matter what the punishment given to criminals cannot vary based o

Criminal Justice System PaperThe criminal justice system changes in regard to rules, procedures, and terms from state to state. But no matter what the punishment given to criminals cannot vary based o


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Criminal Justice System Paper

The criminal justice system changes in regard to rules, procedures, and terms from state to state. But no matter what the punishment given to criminals cannot vary based on the standards set forth by the United States. A crime is described as an action that violates the federal laws of the United States. On the down side, all violations are viewed with different severities of punishment. Crimes can be looked at from as minimal as a traffic violation and elevate to as severe as homicide.

The severity of the crime will establish the severity of what the punishment will be. The criminal