Crime_Houston Crime Stopper Proposal Description: This Crime Stopper Awareness presentation will be given to a small group of family and friends. This presentation is based on informing the audience m

Crime_Houston Crime Stopper Proposal Description: This Crime Stopper Awareness presentation will be given to a small group of family and friends. This presentation is based on informing the audience m


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Crime_Houston Crime Stopper Proposal

Description: This Crime Stopper Awareness presentation will be given to a small group of family and friends. This presentation is based on informing the audience members about the Crime Stoppers Organization in hopes of raise their awareness of Crime Stoppers and to get them more involved in stopping crime in our area. It is an opportunity for the audience members to learn about the many accomplishments of Crime Stoppers, and what makes this organization so successful. The audience will come to understand about how Crime Stoppers is able solve crimes and reduce the crime rates in the area. There will also be a segment focusing on the Safe School Program and how audience members can