Crime, Theft, Gang Crime is an act where someone breaks the law or illegal activities. There different types of crimes such as vice crimes, street crime and computer crime. Vice crime is a crime where

Crime, Theft, Gang Crime is an act where someone breaks the law or illegal activities. There different types of crimes such as vice crimes, street crime and computer crime. Vice crime is a crime where


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Crime, Theft, Gang

Crime is an act where someone breaks the law or illegal activities. There different types of crimes such as vice crimes, street crime and computer crime. Vice crime is a crime where someone is doing a criminal act such as gambling or drug use. Street crime is something down the lines of rape, robbery, or assault.

Finally, is computer crime, which would be hacking on the computer for money or personal mail. These crimes are different and can affect our society in serious ways. Vice crime is a crime such as prostitution, which is an act where someone offers themselves for hire to engage in sexual activity. All 50 states make prostitution a crime except Nevada where you need a permit