Assessment and Practice of Mental Health Needs 1867 words The focus of this assignment is to show an understanding of the assessment process. A brief description of the patient’s profile and practic

Assessment and Practice of Mental Health Needs 1867 words The focus of this assignment is to show an understanding of the assessment process. A brief description of the patient’s profile and practic


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Assessment and Practice of Mental Health Needs 1867 words

The focus of this assignment is to show an understanding of the assessment process. A brief description of the patient’s profile and practice setting will be outlined. The setting’s name, location and patient’s name are not disclosed for confidentiality according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, (NMC2019) hence the name will be fictitious. The patient has consented to the use of their personal information in this assignment. A consent form has been signed by the mentor. The patient’s name will be referred to as Jane. The assignment will discuss the importance of assessment and how the contribution of patient, family, or care and multi