CRIME AFTHER CRIME Crime After Crime is a true documentary film, story that is totally incredible! While watching this film, It gave me a new perspective on life and our justice system. This documenta

CRIME AFTHER CRIME Crime After Crime is a true documentary film, story that is totally incredible! While watching this film, It gave me a new perspective on life and our justice system. This documenta

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Crime After Crime is a true documentary film, story that is totally incredible! While watching this film, It gave me a new perspective on life and our justice system. This documentary it is an must watch, I recommend it to see because there is a lot of missing out on some really important information that we should all be aware of in our life. This film is simply unbelievable, I wonder how an D. A’s office name “Steve Cooley” can get away with this domestic violence on a female African American victim named “Deborah Peager”. This truth film is about Peager that was convicted of killing her abusive boyfriend named “Wilson Oliver”.

First of all, Peager was 15 years old when she met Oliver since that day, they were more than friends but started an new relationship together. In today society relationship is kind of hard to succeed in today life, because, when knowing someone at the first time is kind different. At the beginning of a relationship I can said that everything is different in an way of respect and well understanding each