All men have crimes Crime 878 Words  "All men have crimes, and most of them are hidden". Do youagree with this statement? As a matter of fact, in this modernization andglobalization era, many people g

All men have crimes Crime 878 Words  "All men have crimes, and most of them are hidden". Do youagree with this statement? As a matter of fact, in this modernization andglobalization era, many people g


"All 878 Apart As Based Certainly, Consequently, Crime Criminal Do Each For Furthermore, He Hence, Hopefully, How However, In Indeed, Instead, It Lately, Nevertheless, Normally, Nowadays, On Other Subsequently, That's The Therefore, This Today, Undoubtedly, Well, What When Why Words a about act act. action. activities activities, acts. adopts against ago agree already also among an and any anything appear appearance are arise as as, assets. avoid back. background? bad be because become been before before. behavior being beneath benefits. between black bribery brought by called can care case case, cases cause choices. clearly cloaked commit committed, committing commonly conclusion, convincing corporate corruption could craziness, crime crime, crime. crime? crimes crimes, criminal cycle dad dealing death deeply; demand, desire desire. desired destroy destruction deterrents deviance direct dirty discussed, do do. does doing. drag drug due dying. earn education elites embezzlement, enjoy ensuring era, even ever everyone example, excited excuse excuses exposed extreme face fact, families. family feel feeling. find for forgery, free frequently from fulfill full future generations get girls give, globalization go good greed greed, greedy, grudges guy had handle happen? happened happened. hatred have he hidden". high higher him himself, himself. his how if illegal immoral important in increase indirect influenced influential instance, involved is it it. jail jealousy jealousy. justice kidnapping, kill killed killing kind know known law laws lead life. likely live living. long look lot love love. luxuries luxurious make makes man man, many man’s mass mastermind materialistic matter mean, means media members men might modernization money more most motives murdering music must never not nothing. of old on or order others others' others. others; otherwise over own part passion. past penalty people person persons phenomenon pile place political poverty power power. pressure pressure, probably problem profile prone punish reaches realize really reason reason, reasons reasons. recurring, relief reputation respect respect. revenge revenge. sadism sadness safer same satisfy scarier seeing self-centered, self-interest selfish selfish; sentences. sexual she sheep short, should show so, solve some someday someone. something sometimes standard statement? status, still stop strong such suffer suffer. suffering surrounding tactic take tend than that that, the their them them. themselves then there these they thing. think thinking this those though thus time to to. top triangle true two type unable unlawful unsatisfied until up upgrade upon usually victim victim's violence want wants way. ways we what what's whatever when which while white-collar who why will willingness win wise wisely wishes. with without world worry worst worst, would you

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Crime 878 Words  
"All men have crimes, and most of them are hidden". Do you
agree with this statement? As a matter of fact, in this modernization and
globalization era, many people go against the laws to commit the immoral
activities such as kidnapping, murdering and drug dealing because they are self-centered,
and they do not care about others' feeling. Why do people commit crime?
Normally, people commit

Crime  with Cocaine Violent crime among youth on the rise: Stats Can the overall crime rate among youth inched upby just three per cent between 2005 and 2006, but homicides and other violentc618 Words

Crime with Cocaine Violent crime among youth on the rise: Stats Can the overall crime rate among youth inched upby just three per cent between 2005 and 2006, but homicides and other violentc618 Words
