Criminal Justice SystemThe criminal justice system is composed of many components, and counter parts. The criminal justice system has the responsibility of obtaining law violators and giving out a rea

Criminal Justice SystemThe criminal justice system is composed of many components, and counter parts. The criminal justice system has the responsibility of obtaining law violators and giving out a rea

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Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is composed of many components, and counter parts. The criminal justice system has the responsibility of obtaining law violators and giving out a reasonable penalty for crimes that are committed. The justice system also has the obligation of protecting the innocent and making sure that offenders are treated fairly.

Numerous employees within the system find it demanding and those incriminated find the system discombobulating and intimidating. Criminal justice system according to ( refers to “the collective institutions through which an incriminated offender passes until the incriminations have been disposed of or the assessed penalization concluded.” Each jurisdiction has their own set of laws and therefore own criminal justice system and ways of managing criminal justice process.

The criminal justice system has three components: law enforcement, courts, and corrections