Computers - 1140 W Before computers Before computers there were not telephone answering machines, handheld calculators, fax machines, personal computers. People did what they had to do without these

Computers - 1140 W Before computers Before computers there were not telephone answering machines, handheld calculators, fax machines, personal computers. People did what they had to do without these


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Computers - 1140 W Before computers

Before computers there were not telephone answering machines, handheld calculators, fax machines, personal computers. People did what they had to do without these things. People wrote letter by hand or with a typewriter, they also kept track of data and numbers in ledgers. They were not texting each other, there was either in person or over the phone. . Computers are integral to our daily lives and there are millions used daily. Computers are used at home, work, and school. They are also embedded into cars, phones, and cameras. Computers have many uses such as; word processing, internet, online banking, online classes, GPS systems, ATM machines, mobile phones, weather prediction. Computers go back all to the 1900’s, in 1939 the Hewlett-Packard. Hewlett-Packard Company or HP is an American multinational information technology corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The company originated in a garage in nearby Palo Alto during a fellowship they had