The Beginnings of Community The beginnings of community care date back the Griffiths Report in 2019, particular Community Care: Agenda for Action and the government White Paper Caring for People. (Gut

The Beginnings of Community The beginnings of community care date back the Griffiths Report in 2019, particular Community Care: Agenda for Action and the government White Paper Caring for People. (Gut


& (2006) (2008) (2008: (2012) (ASP(S)A2007). (AWI(S)A2000), (Age (BASW) (CC&H(S)A2002) (Care (CoSLA) (Doel; (Ferguson (Guthrie; (IRISS; (Johns, (Johns; (MCA2005). (MH(C&T)(S)A2003), (Mackay: (Mackay; (NHS&CCA1990) (Petch; (SCSWIS; (SDS (SSA) (SSSC). (SSSC; (SW(S)A1968). (Scotland) (Scottish (Self-directed (Thompson, (Thomson, 13(za) 13(za). 1968 1990, 1998. 2000 2000. 2002 2003, 2005 2005) 2006 2006) 2007 2007) 2008) 2008a) 2009) 2010) 2011) 2012) 2012, 2012. 2019) 2019, 27) 28th 51X. 60 A ASP(S)2007 ASP(S)A2007 ASP(S)A2007, ASP(S)A2007. AWI(S)A2000 AWI(S)A2000, AWI(S)A2000. AWIA(S)2000. According Account Act Action Adult Adults Agenda All Although An Application Approach Article Assessment Association Assuming Authorities Authorities. BASW Based Before Bill Bill) Boards British Burke CC&H(S)A2002. Capacity Care Care: Caring Changing City Clyde. 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The beginnings of community care date back the Griffiths Report in 2019, particular Community Care: Agenda for Action and the government White Paper Caring for People. (Guthrie; 2019) The papers emphasized choice, independence and involvement service users and careers. A series of shifting strategies and priorities developed such as move from institutionalization to promote independent living within community, from service led to needs