HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM There are many religions that dominate the world today, two specific ones, Hinduism and Buddhism, are similar in many ways, while still having their own defined uniqueness. Hindu

HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM There are many religions that dominate the world today, two specific ones, Hinduism and Buddhism, are similar in many ways, while still having their own defined uniqueness. Hindu

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There are many religions that dominate the world today, two specific ones, Hinduism and Buddhism, are similar in many ways, while still having their own defined uniqueness. Hinduism and Buddhism are both world religions, whose impact and influence can be seen in many places. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion consisting of several systems of philosophy, rituals, and beliefs. This complex religion is now the third largest world religion. Buddhism is a path to spiritual discovery it’s ultimate goal it to break through the cycle of rebirth and achieve nirvana. Hinduism’s and Buddhism’s beliefs, practices, origination, and expansion share similar roots, however the two powerful religions have grown in separate directions.

Many of the strong world religions today have evolved from the foundational teaching of one person, the founder of the religion. Christianity’s founder is Jesus, the father of Judaism is Abraham,