BUDDHISM KISOGOTAMI The Buddha did not just say to kisagotami that death cannot be escaped because she was distraught and was only interested in finding a way of bringing her son back to life. If the

BUDDHISM KISOGOTAMI The Buddha did not just say to kisagotami that death cannot be escaped because she was distraught and was only interested in finding a way of bringing her son back to life. If the

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The Buddha did not just say to kisagotami that death cannot be escaped because she was distraught and was only interested in finding a way of bringing her son back to life. If the Buddha had told kisogatami directly it would only have worsened her loss. The Buddha was explaining the truth in a simple way so that she could understand it herself. He was portraying that no one can escape death and unhappiness. If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed. Neither those wise nor those foolish are immune to death. However great a father roars, he can never waken a dead daughter. And in Religion however much a mother begs the gods, a dead son will never cry again. The Buddha teaches the woman - in the only way she can understand - that pain and loss are part of life, and it's okay to go on living." The Buddha asks for a mustard seed instead because he understands what she