BUDDHISM AND HINDUISM ~Buddhism and Hinduism~ There is a variety of belief systems practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have

BUDDHISM AND HINDUISM ~Buddhism and Hinduism~ There is a variety of belief systems practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have

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~Buddhism and Hinduism~ There is a variety of belief systems practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have had a considerable amount of influence on culture in the areas where they are practiced. These religions include Buddhism which is most prominent in East Asia and Hinduism which is most prominent in India although both religions is sometimes seen as a philosophy rather than a religion. These religions are similar to each other but differ in some of their views. First, Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C. in northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha (meaning “he who has reached the goal”) Gautama, the son of a warrior prince. Some scholars believe that he lived from 563