A Research on Biology and Its Multiple Fields of Study Biology is the study of life. All life comes in the form of organisms that are enclosed entities that are made of at least one cell. All organi
A Research on Biology and Its Multiple Fields of Study Biology is the study of life. All life comes in the form of organisms that are enclosed entities that are made of at least one cell. All organi
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A Research on Biology and Its Multiple Fields of Study
Biology is the study of life. All life comes in the form of organisms that are enclosed entities that are made of at least one cell. All organisms reproduce. One of the main characteristics of life is heredity, which is based on information that has to be stored in the cell.
Biologists who do research have extraordinarily enormous amounts of information to sort out. Epidemiologists for example, are scientists who study microorganisms that could create epidemics. Epidemiologists search for way to diminish the epidemic effects.