WHY PRESERVE BIODIVERSITY 1. Define the term “biodiversity” Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is the term for the variety of life and the natural processes of which living things are a part. This

WHY PRESERVE BIODIVERSITY 1. Define the term “biodiversity” Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is the term for the variety of life and the natural processes of which living things are a part. This

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1. Define the term “biodiversity” Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is the term for the variety of life and the natural processes of which living things are a part. This includes the living organisms and the genetic differences between them and the communities in which they occur. The concept of biodiversity represents the ways that life is organized and interacts on our planet.

2. What is ecology? Ecology is the study of organisms and their relationship with their surroundings. Ecologists study the interaction between an organism and its environment. Some ecologists study the interaction of a specific species or habitat; others study the different species that depend on each other (ex. a food web).

3. What is a biome? A biome can be described as an area on our earth that shares the same species, climate, animals, and plants. There are actually about 150 different classified biomes today. The