THE SATANIC BIBLE (STOLEN) I present here some historical facts with regards to not so recent findings in brief along with my own interpretations with regards to what is actually the true number of "T
THE SATANIC BIBLE (STOLEN) I present here some historical facts with regards to not so recent findings in brief along with my own interpretations with regards to what is actually the true number of "T
3025 words
I present here some historical facts with regards to not so recent findings in brief along with my own interpretations with regards to what is actually the true number of "The Beast",the number which should have been revealed in the New Testament's Book of Revelations and my personal theories on it's meanings/representations. I speak of the number which is in fact recorded as being the oldest and original number of the Satanic Current which is 616.
Ok so now we have to change thousands of sermons,millions of bibles and remake a shit load of movies even change some song lyrics all due to how mundane society has been once again blinded and sheepishly followed whatever crap which has been spewed out from their so called holy texts hahahaha,also for all you "hardcore"Satanists who simply just took from the Christian's corrupted fairytale without question just because "They" said it was from or of
3025 words
I present here some historical facts with regards to not so recent findings in brief along with my own interpretations with regards to what is actually the true number of "The Beast",the number which should have been revealed in the New Testament's Book of Revelations and my personal theories on it's meanings/representations. I speak of the number which is in fact recorded as being the oldest and original number of the Satanic Current which is 616.
Ok so now we have to change thousands of sermons,millions of bibles and remake a shit load of movies even change some song lyrics all due to how mundane society has been once again blinded and sheepishly followed whatever crap which has been spewed out from their so called holy texts hahahaha,also for all you "hardcore"Satanists who simply just took from the Christian's corrupted fairytale without question just because "They" said it was from or of