RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY IN BANGLADESH Bangladesh is a small country in Asia, with the major population to be Muslim (80%). However, it is also the home of other religious groups, mainly Hindu, with a popu
RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY IN BANGLADESH Bangladesh is a small country in Asia, with the major population to be Muslim (80%). However, it is also the home of other religious groups, mainly Hindu, with a popu
461 Words
Bangladesh is a small country in Asia, with the major population to be Muslim (80%). However, it is also the home of other religious groups, mainly Hindu, with a population of about 16% and also Christians and Buddhists with small percentage. Minorities include Biharis and tribal; among the tribal Chakma is the largest. In general, this country never had major issues regarding religious diversity; but to know the opinion of people in general, we interviewed a Muslim housewife, a Christian woman working at a beauty parlor, and a Hindu university